Road Safety Message Hits Home

The importance of road safety was highlighted at the CCAA Victorian Road Safety is Everyone's Business Seminar on Wednesday 16 October 2019.

The seminar covered key topics such as:

  • The 5 key lessons that help enable a safe workplace;
  • The Towards Zero Campaign and Transport Accident Commission (TAC) support for trailing new anti-drink-driving technology;
  • Research into heavy vehicles incidents and Toll's response to address such issues as fatigue, worker health and third-party truck awareness using tools such as their Toll Group Chain of Responsibility Guide for Customers;
  • Recruiting for safety; and
  • Proposed changes to the NVHL to a more risk-based, outcomes-focussed regime that supports greater use of emerging technologies.
The afternoon was rounded off by viewing the newly released Australian movie, Ride Like a Girl. 
With almost 100 industry attendees, the seminar provided a great opportunity for industry to network and share learnings in this important area for CCAA members.

CCAA has received permission to publish the following presentations from the seminar: